Never add salt directly to the tank. When mixing your own water IMO, always use R/O water and mix it either in a large bucket or a rubbermaid container. I use a 30 gal. rubbermaid container, add the recommended amount of salt (I refer Instant Ocean) and then add a powerhead to the bucket for circulation. I let this run in the bucket for 24 hours and then test for salinity level. Adjust until desired level is reached and then, and only then, add it to your tank. I keep my semi-reef at 1.022-.023 and my FO at 1.020. If you add salt directly to the tank you risk sending the fish into salinity shock, ich breakouts, death all sorts of bad things. ********* has all sorts of beginner info that will be of great benefit to you along with visits to either your local library or book store where you can purchase and checkout books. Read, read, read or you'll have headaches, headaches, headaches, and an empty wallet. gl!
LionFish says.....
Well, sorry to have to censor the link but it had to be done. Any sites including the one Marauder mentioned has to be censored as the particular site that was mentioned has many links and advertisements for other saltwater sites. Info sites are cool to use but only if they aren't going to have links to other stores. Again, just a warning but if the problem persists I have to report you to the administators. So, just avoid using such links. You didn't know about it so there is no problem. Just don't post it on the board, OK? Also, very good info Marauder, I couldn't have said it better.
[ May 21, 2001: Message edited by: lionfish ]