Water Changes



Depending on how your system is running, bio load, amount of corals, rock displacement of water. I would change 5 gal every two weeks.
Just my opinion. I think it's best to do the smallest possible changes that will still keep your system in good shape. Main reason is that in your reef tank stability is very important and it will be easy for you to make a big change in chemistry. With a good protein skimmer and a good plan of maintenance critters to keep organics in check I would think that a 10% change weekly of 2 or 3 gallons would be more than sufficient to keep your system under control. You'll want to strive to maintain the tank to that your water changes are in place to replace trace elements more so than to dilute pollutants as in a fish only. Keep in mind too that with most reef systems there is enough rock to make for a considerable amount of displacement, so your 30 Gal may not have a volume of 30 Gals. Again just to keep in mind for water changes. Again, just an opinion, hope it's helpful.


Active Member
Before I upgraded my 30 to a 90, I would change 2 gallons, every two weeks, and my water params were dead nuts


Active Member
I guess I'd look at water changes this way.
If I'm trying to reduce nitrates/phosphates, or correct some other water chemistry problem - I do larger water changes.
If you're looking to water changes to replace some minor elements, and refresh alkalintiy/calcium - then smaller more frequent water changes seem to work very well.
In other words - what is the goal of the water change ?
If you have very high nitrates - doing small water changes less than 5% is almost useless - unless you do several back to back.
This method will still take a very long time to reduce the nitrate level - and if nitrate is still being produced at a high rate ( large bioload and heavy feedings ) the level may never go down.
Larger water changes will reduce the nitrate by the "percent" of the water that is exchanged. Providing the new saltwater is nitrate free.
Your decision on what "percent" to change should include some thought of your own tank circumstances.
How many and what types of fish/inverts you have.
Are they hardy or delicate species.
How mature/established is your tank.
Quality of new aerated saltwater and the care taken to prepare it.
Quality of existing tank water.


New Member
In my personal experience, I would think it wise to take out 25 percent of the water once a month; which has worked fine. However for a reef, the chemisty portions MUST BE PERFECT or you may find your prized possesions destroyed. THus, I would recommend taking out a 5 to 10 percent water change weekly. THis way you will get that clean water you want and still not destroy the wonderful creation you created. Now you will realize as you progress on this wonderful journey that you will not need water changes when your aquarium becomes a complete cycled. FOr that is the only word I could use to explain it. But heed my words, while your tank is 'cycling' getting all the chemistry perfect... DO NOT DO WATER CHANGES!!! Doing so may damage the cycle.