Originally posted by cjml
Hello all! We are new to this board & new to the fish world! Enjoy reading all the messages. Very informative. We set up a 140 gal sw tank-let it cycle lost a few fish in the beginning, but it seems to be good now! Fish are still swimming & look happy. Alot of work gathering info to make it right for our fish. Still need alot of help! We are reading different things about water changes--our water is cloudy, probably feeding too much -- can't have skinny fish!
Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated! How to do it, how often, water conditioner, all that stuff! Thanks so much!
Chris & Marylou
welcome to board. and where in nw florida. I was stationed at eglin for a couple of years and spend 4 years in s alabama before moving to huntsville.
First test your water. I highly suspect you have non zero ammonia and probably nitrItes (and less importantly high phosphates)-- cloudy water. But the bottom line is to cut back on feeding until the water clears up.
secondly, I recommend you add desirable plant life such as macro algaes or marine plants. they will help cut down on the ugly algaes. Plus they filter out the water, complete the nitrogen cycle buffer the tank and do all kinds of nice things. You may have to keep some in another container as fish like to eat it.
I do not recommend water changes but, of course, replacing the water that evaporates. Even your coudiness will clear up in a week once feeding is in line with tank capacity. I also only use tap water.
finally go slowly. It takes time for things to balance out and stabilize. It is entirely normal to have brown/red algae after about three weeks of operation for instance. They are consuming phosphates. After the phaophates are reduced the brown/red goes away and is replaced with green algae. No need to constantly do things when they go away on thier own.