Water Changing


I'm coming clean and admitting here in front of everyone that I've neglected my fishtank for the past couple months. No fatilities as the natural filtration has done its job getting rid of ammonia and nitrite. However the nitrates are out of control, so let the water changes begin. In my effort to change my 50 gallon tank over to a 'mini' reef I want to streamline water changes.
With that said, is it a bad idea to mix up 50 gallons of salt mix and leave it in the garage (temp = 80 - 90) with a maxi jet 900? This way instead of making new water every week I could make it once a month and do the 5% - 10% changes in about 10 minutes instead of the couple hours it takes to get everything done. Basically this means the water I make at the beginning of the month would be circulating for about 4 weeks until its used up.
Ultimately I would like to just pump it straight from the resevoir into the tank as I'm taking the old water out. Does anyone have such a setup, or am I just trying to make this way easier than it should be?
Thanks for the feedback!
- Nate


shame shame!!! Buddy this is live animals! I bet you got a shower in those last couple of months... THAT said... be sure that you want a reef tank. because they are more work then what you have now and it sounds like you are not all that good about keeping up the maitence. yes you can pre mix your water and use a jet.. really should get a heater... cheep ones at walmart or wherever.
And yes we have a set up sort of like that. 90 Gallon tub down stairs with rodi water salted with pumps and heater. we use that for water changes. Good luck with your new adventure keep us posted.


yah yah..i know. i knew it was coming ;)
Anyway, i have done some maintenace on my current setup however i havent changed water in a while. I top off and keep it clean. With a new system to make water changes a breeze I'll have no problem doing that. I've already got the RO/DI system in house, which makes it easier than picking up 10 gallons at the store.
I want to get this system in place before I go for the reef. All I really want is an anenome, so at this point it won't be a full blown reef like most of you guys keep. I want to make sure I can keep nitrates under control with minimum effort before i take the plunge on lights and such.
Thanks again!

sign guy

Active Member
salt should mix for a cupple days befor it goes in your tank so it sounds like a good idea 2 me


Active Member
1st off, find out what is making the nitrates. Either excess feeding, fish waste etc.
I mix up about 15 gallons at a time and leave it til I am ready for it. It is heated and mixed by a power head though and I ensure that the lid is on to keep out airborne dust etc. Water changes are essential especially with a reef because they replenish the used, evaporated or consumed minerals.