Water Clowdiness

the puerco

New Member
All of my numbers in my 75 GL are ok so i put 20 zebra hermits to start the clean up crew... out of the blue the water got really clowdy... is it because the cleaning crew is working on uncured rock or why?


You sure your tank cycled? Benifital bacteria holds down the sand and prevent the water from being cloudy for a lengthy time.


Active Member
Uncured rock and your water parameters are ok? I'm relatively new but I wouldn't put any livestock in there with uncured rock.
Anyone confirm?


Well-Known Member
It is hard to tell if the new livestock caused the cloud.
My first cloudy tank occured years ago with a 10g and about a week ofter I added some flake food to start the cycle. What had happened is that bacteria build up to process the food and they died off from lack of food. It was the dead bactera which caused the cloud. If you cycled with a dead shrimp then I highly suspect the shrimp, not the hermits are the cause. As you stated, Uncured live rock could also cause the same problem. The way I of got rid of that and other clouds was to run filters with either lotsa carbon or "water Polisher" filters. Always took 2-3 days to clear up. To prevent a return you need a constant bioload so bacteria die offs do not happen. If the cloud is small or just some stirred up sand, it will clear up in a couple of days. Otherwise you will have to filter it out.
The prevention is to provide a constant bioload to build up the bacteria to a constant level.
As always I recommend macro algae or marine plants to balance and stabilize your system.

the puerco

New Member
I got a 75 GL tank with a sump witch i was cycling with 40# of uncured LR and also have 80# of base on top of that 50# of base sand and 80# of LS... i have the set up for 3 weeks now... my reading where 0s and a PH 8.3 sal 1.024 so it look good maybe I need to put a dead shrimp to really cycle.... but i'm guessing... I only got 20 zebra hermits in ... and i don not plan in adding any livestock for at list 3-4 more weeks.....


Well-Known Member
sounds like a good plan especially if you have some plants in the sump. I especially like your waiting another three weeks before adding fish.
Another thing is that i was assuming you had a white cloudiness. If it has a green tint you may have an algae bloom. that is extremely common on new tanks at the three week point. Again filtering will help and for the suspended algae, reducing the light to allow the suspended algae to die off.
I do not agree with the dead shrimp method, but it is extremely popular.