water de-ionizer


New Member
I could not spend the money on an RO unit, so i got one of those water de-ionizers. I figured that it would work well by just adding instant ocean after the water was processed. Anyway the first time i used it to change the water my young xenia, which had been doing good, closed up. He is still about 1/4 open after several days of being closed. Today, about 5 days later, i changed it again using the water and my whole colony of awesome green star polyps closed up as if in pain??? What the heck is going on? I am doing something wrong???? Please help my before my whole tank dies??


New Member
UPdate, I tested a little water that was not put into the tank from the same batch, it's ph was 8.1 . I think that this is a little low and the tank is testing 8.1 as well. I am doing about a 20 percent water change.
I am going to get a test kit for nitrate and nitrite tomorrow.
I am brewing another batch with the de-ionizer as i type this. I will perform signifigant testing before it goes into the tank.
Should i get some seachem instant marine and use it to raise the ph to 8.3? What is the natural way of doing this? My sponge is looking terrible and i need to figure out why?


I've heard of useing bakeing soda to raise the pH but my tanks have always been at the 8.1 level ever since I started, and never has there been a fluctuation.


if you are pouring the water on them when doing the changes, just the physical current will cause them to close, as they may think it is a predator swimming by. Also the water that you are using to do the water changes will be different then your current water in your tank. It will be chemically off and these delicate animals can feel that, so they close up. Try adding the water in the tank near a strong pump so it disperses quickly. Are you bringing the water up to the tnak temp before you put it in? (this is not meant as an insult, yours truly has done this, but it was a long time ago). As far as your sponges looking bad, are you supplementing calcium in your tank as well as some other marine essentials?
Does anyone else have any ideas, my knowledge with Xenia is limited...


Make sure your flow rate is accurate for the DI unit. (It cant be that fast or it wont work) Also they dont last for long especially if your water quality is not that good. Once the cartridge turns black it no good. I usually have to replace it after 50-60 gallons of use.