Water flow question........

Hey gang-I have two AquaClear 300s just sitting around. I'm wondering if I can use these to circulate the water and use it for the water flo instead of power heads. I have a 55 gal circulating with a 4 inch dsb and right now about 50lbs of LR soon to be adding more. I'm going to be housing some fish, inverts and easy corals (mushrooms, polyps and some leathers) Thanks for the help in advance people!


Active Member
You can, anything is better then nothing. Just dont put any filter material in them.

nm reef

Active Member
I run a millinium 3000 on my 55 reef without the filters.......basically for circulation only.....but once a month(for about 48 hrs) I put in clean carbon pads to touch up more or less.....after 48 hrs I remove them and repeat the following month


Active Member
Jimi... why not? I'm not new to the hobby, I've just never used anything but powerheads for my filtration/circulation. Why shouldn't you put filtration materials in this type of filter?