water flow??


How do you tell how much water flow you have? I have a 90 gl tank, how much should I have? And what are the best tests to buy? I have strips and I have the dropper kind that you look at the colors, are these good?


Active Member
that's 11x turnover that is ok, but i think the more the better, and if you are going to add corals you will definetly need more, do you have any dead spots?...tobin


I have on the other side of the tank a small 50 gallon? I think? cascade filter. our pumps sits on the side- top of the tank. We pointed the nozzel towards the bottom as much as we could. And the other just pushes water down. Also I have been told many diff things. how many times should i feed the fish, 5 damsels, 2 tangspurple antheis, 3 clown fish. And what should i feed them, i have been brine shrimp:( I give the tanks seaweed every 3 days. And we put in live phytoplankton for the corals? But having prooblem with algee so every other day??


Active Member
turnover rate is gallons per hour circulating divided by gallons in tank so if you have a tank that is 100 gal. and a powerhead that delivers 1000 gal. per hour that equals 10x turnover rate...tobin


Active Member
when i posted the figures i did not take that into consideration because 1st i do not know how to figure that info 2nd without adding the lr into the equasion it is actually more flow anyways which is good...tobin