water from an established tank to speed cycling?


i have recently re setup a 170 gallon FO tank with no LR/LS. the tank has UGF and a 2229 eheim canister filter with skimmer plus two power heads. the tank has been running for about two weeks with no bioload. is it possible to add mature water from an established secure reef tank to the FO tank to speed up the cycle?i could then add a few damsels or clowns to fully cycle the tank.
any ideas anyone?


Active Member
Water may help a LITTLE but not as moch as a few scoops of established substrate or rock. You will need some kind of waste in your tank to start a cycle.


We used about two cups of cc from lfs (for a 75gal). in a mesh bag placed in the sump. It helped immensely, we had cycled and had copepods in the sump in three weeks. There has been a lot of posts about using raw shrimp to cycle lately, you might do a search, if you're interested. HTH,


Active Member
A friend of my exwife's husband (don't ask) just bought a 125 gallon tank. The LFS set it up and from day one he had a yellow tang, clowns and angels from day one. He said the LFS said that it is setup established and no cycle would occur and he could add fish right away. He has had it for over a month now and everything is fine.
I have no idea what he did, but evidently it can be done instantaneously.

mr . salty

Active Member
With 1-1 1/2lbs of GOOD live rock and 1lb of GOOD live sand PER GALLON.It can be done with little or no cycle.