Water Help


My tank has been set up for almost 2 months now. I have 6 damsels 4 snalis and a claner shrimp. I didn't put the shrimp and snails in until a week ago. My ammo was at 0 for the longest but my trites and trates were high. Now my ammo is up to .25 and my trites and trates are lower than they were but still high. Should I do a water change? Did I shock my system and not wait long enough before dumping the snails? They seem to produce a lot of waste.


Active Member
What are your exact readings for nitrites and nitrates ?
Your tank has most likely not finished cycling if you still have any ammonia and nitrites.
4 snails and a cleaner shrimp will not add a lot of wastes compared to fish.
Dumping the snails sounds odd - did you acclimate them and the shrimp ?
How large is your tank ?
A little more info would be helpful ;)


I still have the snails. What I meant by dumping was dumping them in the tank. Yes I acclimated both the shrimp and th snails. They aseem to be doing just fine. My ammo is at .25, trites are 3 levels above 0 and trates are as well.