Water idea


Water that is safe for you to drink is not safe for your tank. There are probably minerals, chlorine, phosphates and who knows what else in the water running through your fridge. You will save your self a lot of time and anguish if you use the right water from the start. Just my opinion.


I tested the refridgerator filtered water with a tds meter... came out similar to the tap water.


Active Member
Most refrigrator filters are just in-line carbon polishing filters mainly just to improve the taste. No where near good enough for tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by susieq
My tap has the same specific gravity as my tank water. yuk.
:notsure: Do you have a saltwater tank of a fresh water one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
:notsure: Do you have a saltwater tank of a fresh water one.
haha, I was wondering the exact same thing!


Thats what I was looking for I went to w-mart and looked at there water deal for .33 a gal. I am going to go back and get like 15-30 gal today, one thing I was wondering was how often they service it? to keep it up on top of things


Active Member
Originally Posted by susieq
I have a salt water tank. sg 1.023
and your tap water's specific gravity is that high?!


Originally Posted by susieq
My tap has the same specific gravity as my tank water. yuk.
That would be awesome... no mixing. I think I'd have to use tap water if it was that easy.


Yep. It's set up at work. It's a little bit funny, but everytime someone has asked my about filtering the water, they have a cup of coffee in their hand. When they realize they are drinking coffee made with the tap water, they turn a funny color green.


Active Member
Originally Posted by susieq
My tap has the same specific gravity as my tank water. yuk.
If your freshwater tap has the same SG as a saltwater tank then you must get kidney stones once every 5 minutes... :notsure:


Active Member
Tap water with a SG of 1.023 is not safe to drink and would never be approved by the FDA for public consumption...