Water Level Alarm?


I just fixed up a cracked acrylic tank - everything seems good, but I'd sleep better at night knowing if something went wrong. Does anybody know of a water level alarm? I've seen plenty that detect when you fill a tank up too much to prevent overflow, but does anybody know of anything fairly inexpensive that would go off if the water level fell BELOW a certain level, say if a cracked spread
? I'm looking to stay below $50 if at all possible.


Active Member
Just use an auto top off switch and attach it to a mini bullhorn. The concept is the same cut the bull horn wires and attach the auto top off wires.
If I'm not mistaken an auto top off kit will run you about 50$ alone but small price to pay to catch a flood.
Also the are little door buzzers that they sell at lowes or home depot they run on AA batteries so with a little imagination you can get one of these to work.
What I would do is take it apart and attach the auto top off to the speaker wires that way it's always going off but you'll only hear the speaker when the water drops. Don't think it would use too much battery if the speaker isn't sounding.
If you want to get around that just buy rechargables and swap them out weekly with water changes.


Active Member
IMO if you wait for the water level to drop to the point of kicking out a float switch, you've already waited too long.
What I'd use in this case is an actual leak alarm, placed near the tank that will set off an alarm if water is present, not just below a certain level.
Google "Smarthome" and look up their item number 7002A. That'll fit your budget.