Water movement???????????


I cureently have an aqua clear 70 powerhead in my 55 reef, should I add a second one at the opposite end??????
....also have a aquaclear 110 mech. filter


Active Member
u should shoot for a minimum of about 700-800 gallon per hour of turnover in your tank...
look at what u have that is returning or moving water around in your tank and add up the GPH's and thats what u have.... then u will know if u should add more movement...
if ur planing sps then ur guna need about a 25X's turnover


I am adding polyps on tuesday....so that is good to know...If I add another powerhead and move from my Mech filter towards the middle of my tank will it still filter ok?


Active Member
with polyps they arent too demanding so you could get away with a lower flow but id still recommend adding more movement
i dont understand what u mean by the mechanical filter ... ur guna move the return to the middle of the tank??
if so thats fine
u just want a nice random water movement in the tank