Water Parameters-Alkaline


I did a water test last night after doing a water change in the morning and this is what I got.
SP- 1.024
Alk- took 8 drops to turn. This makes it 4meq or 200ppm. what is dkh and what is normal?
My Calcium is 380- added reef complete calcium raise two capfuls. It had been all the way down to 300 and I gradually been increasing it slowly to prevent shock.
Water change was with R/O 15 gallons in a 90 gallon tank.
Tank is 2 1/2 months old, no brown or cyano algae.


Active Member
Those numbers are OK. Keep slowly raising Cal. to around 430ppm or so. This should slightly lower Alk.
dKH is the German unit for KH. Same thing, just different number/unit.
KH( Carbonate Hardness = Alkalinity ) 4 meq/L X 2.8 = 11.2 dKH


Anyone want to explain the Alkalinty test results and what is normal?
It took 8 drops before it turned the yellow-green, they said divide by 2 and that gave me 4meq. multiply that by 50 to give ppm which it would be 200. Everyone says dkh which the test doesn't say and doesn't say what is normal. Is this low and causing the Calcium to be low? :notsure:
Thanks in advance for any input.