Water Parameters


Just a few questions for the begginer!
What must be done to cause PH to go up or down?
What must be done to cause Alkalinity to go up or down?
Should the light on the tank ever be turned off? I turned mine off for about 6 hours and when I turned it back on my fish were acting weird and were not normal colors.

sinner's girl

Yes, your light should be turned off. Keep them on during the day, or for how ever long you want them. Use a timer, so the lights go on and off at the same time, otherwise, it'll stress the fish. On for 6 or 8 or 10 hours and off for the rest of the time. Our timers are set so the lights are on when we're home. This used to be 2:30 pm to 11pm.
Adding stuff can change Ph, like kalk. Other than that, I don't know. I don't add anything to my tank, and my ph and alk has never been off.