Water problems


What is the best way to get the water conditions under control?
The pH was at 7.3 and I am slowly bringing it up. I had just done a water change and the ammonia, trites, and trates are out of control. The salinity was high and I have now fixed it.
I had bought water from the LFS, but that seems to be the problem. I'm going to mix my own now. How long should I let it cure and should I do a 25% or 50% water change? I want to get this right and not lose any more fish


Staff member
Dana, I remember your other post. Water from the LFS was that off?
What are you using to measure salinity? And what kits are you using to measure pH?
Why are your water readings so off? Is this a new tank? What do you have in the tank?


The tank has been up and running really well for 3 months. It is only a 5 gallon since I kind of acquired it when my friend brough it over to save her surviving fish from the power outages we had from hurricanes. After she took her fish back she left the tank with me to learn with and I started with 2 damsels- one blue chromis and one neon. I also have 5 turbo snails and a decorator crab.
The tank was a little crowded when I got a Clarkii clown to rehab for that same friend. But unfortunately he died in the tank problems after a great come back from popeye. I wish I had taken pictures. He was supposed to go back to her.
I don't remember the brand of test kits that I am using. But I have followed all the directions to the T. I never had a problem with the pH until now. I had only had slight problems with the salinity being a little high but that was corrected.
I have a specific gravity/salinity reader.
The water from the LFS is what has caused my whole problem right now. I talked to another store and the guy there told me where I got my water, they gave me seawater ...
I'm trying to get a handle on this before I get a bigger tank after the beginning of the new year. I will be aiming for a 125 gal. I'm a newbie just trying to learn to do this the right way. I had always wanted a salt water tank.


Staff member
Do you have any good hobby books? Aquarist must first really start off by studying and reading.
I can make recommendations if you are interested. 5 gal tank is going to be difficult to keep stable.