Water purification.. just some thoughts?



Hey guys,
So I was looking around and studying water purification.
Has anyone tried a PUR water filter? I am going to take the water to my LFS, that are really good at salt water fish and care and see if they can test it and see if they can find anything.
I know an RO/DI is the best way to go, but for that kind of money I want to see if there is anything else that might work :)
Let me know if any of you have any thoughts or heard about using just a PUR water filter or something similar.


Active Member
The pur filters are basically charcoal and/or basic particulate filters. They are designed to remove debris from the water and basically remove bad odors, but that's about it.
They do not perform anywhere near the level of filtration and purification that the RODI process does.
Although different people have had success with far less, most hobbyists will tell you that nothing less than RODI is good enough.
Having the right purifcation isn't just good for the fish, it just makes things easier. Those pur filters won't remove phosphates or silicates from the water (they are harmless to humans after all), but those two compounds, if in sufficient amounts in your source water, will make battling algae and diatoms an uphill battle...
I hate to give an unsolicited lecture (well... to be fair many here would argue that I actually relish the opportunity) ... but nothing in this hobby is cheap.

One upside is that there are many places where you can purchase RODI units very inexpensively.
Make sure that your LFS tests the TDS of that water. That's the de-facto test.


absolutely and I agree with you.
I'm just plain curious. I have one for my drinking water and I was just getting some water today and I was like Herm! I wonder just how well it works!
I found a couple RO/DI units and I found them at home depot and lowes too!
I'm going to check at my plumbing supply also...


Active Member
Originally Posted by TropicDan
Have you considered this?:
can't post links bro!
Good price/good results.
These things cost so much to operate that RODI units quickly become a much cheaper option.


Active Member
Originally Posted by otterball182
absolutely and I agree with you.
I'm just plain curious. I have one for my drinking water and I was just getting some water today and I was like Herm! I wonder just how well it works!
I found a couple RO/DI units and I found them at home depot and lowes too!
I'm going to check at my plumbing supply also...
There are many online sites as well.
RODI systems are one of those rare items where it's okay to buy generic. Almost nobody - if anybody - that manufacturers RO systems actually manufactures the RO membrane themselves. There are only a handful of companies that make them; most manufactures just buy off-the-shelf membranes and stick them into their units. So if you buy a knock-off unit, you're probably getting the same guts that the big expensive brands use.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TropicDan
Have you considered this?:
Good price/good results.
That is basically a fancy PUR system.
Originally Posted by SCSInet

There are many online sites as well.
RODI systems are one of those rare items where it's okay to buy generic. Almost nobody - if anybody - that manufacturers RO systems actually manufactures the RO membrane themselves. There are only a handful of companies that make them; most manufactures just buy off-the-shelf membranes and stick them into their units. So if you buy a knock-off unit, you're probably getting the same guts that the big expensive brands use.
I agree, just make sure you get the common sizes of filters. If you see something that says "propietary" stay away. For the most part this shouldn't be an issue at all. Most of the companies that had unique filters have either changed or gone by the wayside. The most common ones are the 10 inch filters.