Water quality question


My Parameters are:
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 80ppm
Calcium: 400
Salinity: 1.0235
Phosphate: 0.5
ALK: 3.66
KH: 10.2
I know my Nitrate is high. How do I get them to go down? Also how does all my other Parameters look. I am not really sure what the ALK and KH are supposed to be. I would love it if someone would post what all these Parameters are supposed to be. Thanks for any help you may have. Thanks in advance.. :help:


Active Member
Water changes will help your nitrates. What do you currently have to combat the nitrates?? skimmer, refuge, DSB, etc?
The phosphates are also high. Between the nitrates and phosphate you may get a algae bloom at any time.
Calcium at 400 is fine but low in relation to your alkalinity. Your alkalinity is fine but I would bring your calcium up to around 430ppm if you maintain the 10.2dkh.
Lastly, you could bump your specific gravity up to 1.025 or 1.026.