water quality vs. clarity


My water recently went *REALLY* cloudy then a green layer settled near the bottom. I originally thought it was alge, but it never attatched to the glass at all, the water was just green! I did several water changes in a few days and the green as pretty much cleared up. I took a water sample to the lfs before the water changes and they said it was the best water they had seen all day...
My question is this: is my ugly cloudy water bad for my fish? or better yet, is cloudy water with good quality better than clear water with ok quality?


Cloudy water, depending on what makes it cloudy can be OK. I have seen tanks where the owner has switched to LS and all you could see of the fish were their lips. But not all cloudy water is safe!! Some questions for you.
We will assume that the LFS guy knew what he was doing so I wont ask what the test results were...yet. But, what did he test for?? Are you dosing anything, and traces any foods anything? Is your tank anywhere near direct sunlight? Do you run carbon/ are you able to?? And how old is your tank??


the LFS tested for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, alk, and ph. I havent added anything to the tank yet, but was thinking of adding a oxyboost that the LFS recommended. I do have a carbon filter and i did rinse the bag of carbon out for about ten minutes before putting it in my tank (the lfs already asked me about it). As for food...i am pretty sure that all the food is out of my tank. I feed mostly frozen brine shrimp which all my fish love, including my goby who will eat anything that hits the bottom. Since my water became cloudy, i cut back the amount of food i feed as well.


Thing that I can think of that would MAKE a tank cloudy are new sand, pellet food, sunlight would cause it to be green, and the only think I know of to help fix it other than water changes is to run carbon, but since your already doing that...:notsure:


it is soooo frustrating!!! i stumped the LFS guys too! they say they have been around sw tanks for 10-15 years and have no clue whats wrong with my tank. btw, i think my clown is getting ich, any way its related?


Just outa curiosity are you using an RO unit?? It is an important question. Tap is notorious for "dosing" iron into the tank, iron is one of those things that promotes plant, or algae growth. Were gonna figure this out, and the ick on your clown is most likely not related, but do you have a QT for him??


Oh, and when I was asking about the food, I was specifically referring to liquid 9or suspension) foods. They can feed unwanted algae if you are dosing more than what your critters are eating.


i get ro water from the lfs. learned my lesson about tap shortly after set up. after reading the disease part of the message board i am beginning to think that the clown doesnt actually have ich, but a stress problem (prob from all the water changes), but no i dont have a qt tank, but might have to invest in one.


You can get a small one at Wal-mart for like 8 bucks.
Green water, green water, green water...
What are your lights and how long are they on. Don't need specifics on the lights but are they halides, flourescents or PC's??


im not sure what kind of lights i have. im sorry i am very new to sw. Got a 24 gal NanoCube and the lights are standard (would they say in them what they are?). the lights are pretty bright, but again, not a clue what i need. Before *the problem* i had the lights on about 12 hours a day, but now i prob run them for 6-8 hours or i will only have them on when im home. The tank is near a window, but we put aluminum stuff in it to block the sunlight.


The absolute first thing that comes to mind when I see a green tank is sun-light. sO CHECK TOMOROW TO MAKE ABSOLUTE SURE THAT NO SUNLIGHT IS GETTING IN. Sorry bout them caps, I hafta look at the keys when I type. If you are sure no sunlight is hitting the water I am stumped. I'll hafta sleep on it.
I know you said the bulbs are weak but how old are they??
If the "phosphers" on the glass are wearing thin then it would let more of the red side of the (ROYGBIV) spectum shine down, thus aiding in an algae bloom...


Just to lend my 2 cents. I was told only to have the lights on for about 2-4 hours a day. This should be a routine for the fish. What I mean is the exact time everyday. Maybe get a timer. Also do you have coral? Different kind of light adjustments are cruicial. Some Coral as well as FISH respond differently. AGAIN I AM NO EXPERT THIS IS WHAT I'VE HEARD, READ, AND SAID, OR BEEN TOLD.
Just remember, all tanks, fish, live rock, coral and whatever VARY ALOT what is good for one is not good for all. Trial and error. Good luck hope you don't spend too much money.


Wattage is also VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!! I have a 55 watt Atintic light in my tank---6400k it goes from bright setting to LIGHT green almost yellow to a black light of some sorts. Good luck man. Again no expert but this is how I got my info., by the people on this sight. They have great advice.


i just got the tank at the begining of Feb, so i dont think that the bulbs should be having probs yet.
the window is completely covered so the algae wont bloom. plus i always think of algae attacking the glass...my water is just green and my glass is completely clean...its weird.
About the lights being on, the book i have been reading says to make things as natural as possible, ei lights for 12-14 hrs per day, many small meals, etc.


just looked up the lighting on another site "(2) 36 watt 50/50 CF lamps " is that enough for the about 20 gal display tank (it holds about 4 gal back w/ the filters)??? i have heard several different things all on this site (3watts/gal???, 5watts/gal???) the lfs has my exact tank as a display w/ soft corals and didnt change any of the lighting.


I keep refering to it as algae in the same sence that a little pool gets green water after a few days. It's phytoplankton. I have actually created it on purpose for my corals. I fill a tank with saltwater, add a drop or two of iron, an bit of protein skimmage for food and put it in the sunlight. In 3 days the water real green. But since you are doing any of those things, I am kinda confused...
RO water
new lights
levels check out
no dosings
Yup, gonna sleep on it.

:sleepy: :sleepy:


How Many WATTS!!!! I'm w/ Tizzo. I agree w/ him. Also do you have any cleaner packages? Shrimp, Snails, Cuke's etc. the'll help eat that stuff right Tizz?


12-14 Hours is a bit much. Those peeps - the LFS are running that in their tank because the fish in there only stay for a week or so then they're gone. I might be wrong but dang 12-14 hrs a day w/ the light on. Like I said I'm new - this too but that seems like alot for a personal tank. Plus those guys & gals will tell you anything as long as you buy their merchandise!!! Get it??


Run the carbon.
Make sure its not the glass in the aquarium itself that isn't green, it could be depending on how the manufature made the tank.