To get the film to go away you need more to increase the water movement on the surface. To do that make sure either a power head shoots water at the surface or add an outside power filter or possibly both. I have 4 powerheads on my 55 plus a Prism and an outside power filter, the film went away once I used all of the above. You mention an airbar, you really don't want all those bubbles unless you like the salt creep on everything, the bubbles really don't help as you have found out in your tank.
The algae is a natural process but it can be controled by having only a few animals, by giving less food, by adding more snails or different types of snails and by adding more hermit crabs or other types of crabs or shrimp, or adding an algae eating fish like a lawnmower blenny. You didn't give much info so I can't give you anything more than general help.