Water Storage/Salt Storage


Active Member
As an aquarist who physically cannot do a three gallon water change (such a small tank), it is very tempting at times to mix a large quantity of water (5-7 gallons) and store it for weeks worth of water changes. You can browse online to find discussions on this very topic with widely varying opinions and reasoning, but it has been a long time since such a discussion has been conducted (and I would argue that a satisfactory one has never arisen), so I would like to start one now. I am less concerned about answers and more concerned about reasoning.
Share your views on:
1) Storing RO/DI water without any circulation.
2) Storing RO/DI water with circulation.
3) Storing mixed saltwater without circulation.
4) Storing mixed saltwater with circulation.
5) Storing mixed saltwater with circulation and heating.
The other issue to address is salt storage. It is common knowledge to store salt in a closed container with a nylon bag full of rice (I hope). But it is not uncommon to get clumping. Phosphates become a concern, but the actual reason why is clouded (at least to me).
Share your views on:
1) Using loose salt that is under a shell of clumped salt.
2) Using clumped salt.