Water Storage Tank Question.


Active Member
Well Today I Found Out I Probably Have To Move Out Of My Apartment Due To Us Finding Mold Growing On The Sheetrock Of The Exterior Wall. Which Also Means I Have To Move My 120galllon. Luckily It Will Probably Be In The Same Complex So It Wont Be A Far Move.
Question Is Where Does Everybody Get There Water Storage Tanks From? I Was Thinking About Getting A 55 Gallon Drum, Emptying Half The Tank Into It, Taking It To The New Apartment Then Empty It Into My Old 55 Gallon Tank, Then Do The Same Thing Again. Rinse And Repeat.
Where Can I Get The Storage Tank? Anybody Have Another Method?
Oh Yeah I Have A Pickup So Moving The Storage Tank Is No Problem.


Active Member
You can also get storage tanks from Tractor Supply, and any other farm supply store. 55g runs about $130-150. There is also a plastics company that sells any imaginable size plastic container that is approved for drinking water. PM me if you want their URL.

scopus tang

Active Member
Just curious, have you ever moved a 55 gallon drum full of liquid? Since your in the auto repair buisness I assume you probably have, but if you haven't these things are massively heavy. If you have stairs to go up or down make sure you have a dolly. Personally, I would move it with 5 gallon buckets, much easier on the back. 11 buckets will give you the same result, dump into your old 55 gallon tank, then move the last 55 gallons and your tank at the same time. Reset up in your new apartment and mix up new saltwater to make up the difference. JMO, I've moved several tanks, and I've moved 55 gallon drums. Personally, I'd rather carry several small buckets.


or you can set the 55gal drum near your new apartment and just pump the water from your tank into the drum then from the drum to your tank, shouldnt be hard, depending on the distance the new unit is


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Just curious, have you ever moved a 55 gallon drum full of liquid? Since your in the auto repair buisness I assume you probably have, but if you haven't these things are massively heavy. If you have stairs to go up or down make sure you have a dolly. Personally, I would move it with 5 gallon buckets, much easier on the back. 11 buckets will give you the same result, dump into your old 55 gallon tank, then move the last 55 gallons and your tank at the same time. Reset up in your new apartment and mix up new saltwater to make up the difference. JMO, I've moved several tanks, and I've moved 55 gallon drums. Personally, I'd rather carry several small buckets.
i guess i didnt explain correctly.
the drum i am leaving in the back of my pick up. im gonna pump the water from my tank into the drum. then drive over to where the new apt is and pump it into the 55 gal tank in the new apt. then go back and pump more water into the drum hopefully emptying the tank the rest of the way, then move the 120 from old apt to new apt.
providing that the new apt has a window close to the parking lot like my current one. also providing that it is on the ground floor like my current one is. but yes i would use 5 gallon buckets if i had to.


Use the large Brute trash can,1 or 2.Then sell them back to the complex for the aggravation they caused.They can always use trash cans!


Keep in mind a 55 gallon tank will not contain 55 gallons of water. You loose capacity due to rock, substrate etc. I needed actually about 85 gallons of containers to empty my 125 gallon.
Of course any sump capacity etc would need reflected as well.
Good Luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Waterworld
Keep in mind a 55 gallon tank will not contain 55 gallons of water. You loose capacity due to rock, substrate etc. I needed actually about 85 gallons of containers to empty my 125 gallon.
Of course any sump capacity etc would need reflected as well.
Good Luck!

i think im gonna get 3 32 gallon trash cans and that should do me well. but the next question is what is the toughest trash can?

scopus tang

Active Member
Have you looked into the heavy duty, blue plastic barrels? I think they hold about 30 or 40 gallons ~ can't say for sure, but they definitely would hold your water. Feed stores around here sell them, and places like Shiptons. Just a thought.