Water supplements for RO/DI


My new Kent RO/DI recently arrived and after checking out the handy dandy catalog that came with it I'm more than a little confused. What are the necessary elements that need to be reintroduced to the processed water?
Tank params
FOWLR (corals at a later date-when I hopefully know what I'm doing
:D )
Stable since mid-december
No fish (yet)
80lbs LR
40lbs LS
As I said above, the product list from Kent is kindda overwhelming. Let me list a few products (I assume all manufacturers would have very similar products and I'm just including these as generic product types) along with a very brief description and ya'all tell me if I should consider any of them. Some of the products seem to overlap.
Liquid Calcium-provides bio-available calcium
ProBuffer dKH-raises alkalinity and automatically controls pH
Tech CB Part A&B-complete calcium and alkalinity control system
Kalkwasser-bio available calcium
Superbuffer dKH-pH buffer and alkalinity builder
Turbo Calcium-(dry form-better, worse?)bio available calcium
Turbo Stronium-bio available stronium
Reef Starter Kit-Iodine, Stronium, Molybdenum, liquid calcium
Are there any specific things I should be adding to help along the feather dusters and polyps that came along with my LR?
Thanks for you responses :)
Not to get too off thread here but I also keep discus. Any RO/DI discusers out there that would like to share any words of wisdom that my discus (as well as myself :) ) might appreciate it??
Thx again....


Active Member
Looks like you are reading the entire list of Kent Saltwater supplement products, all of which may not be necessary for your tank. They all do different things in different ways, and you may have a need for them or similar products - Most are supplements to control/raise calcium, alkalinity or pH. Others obviously are for maintaining other transitional or trace elements. Really depends on your tank, water conditions and what you wanting to acomplish.
I have the Kent RO/DI unit too - the only thing I add to the fresh RO/DI water is some SeaChem pH buffer to bring it back up to around 8.00 prior to adding it for top offs, and IMO a must when mixing salt. I also aerate the water with a powerhead, and toss in a heater in a bucket before using it as well.
My suggestion at this point would be to measure your water for calcium, alkalinity, pH in addition to the nitrogen compounds, and then make a decision on what other supplements you should add.
All the products listed do certain things - each having their individual benefits and risks if overdosed.
Wish ya luck Brad !!
( I don't keep discus - nothing to add ) see ya