Water temp. and warm days


I like to keep my tank at 78 degrees, I am only 6 months into this hobby. Now that it is getting around 85-90 degrees outside, my tank has been heating to 82 degrees. I have a fan on the tank at all times, and I have really good current, should I be worried about life in my tan
55 gal
protein skimmer
UV sterilizer
wave maker
2 power heads
water polishing filter,with curent
90 lbs live rock
3 inch cc
4 anenamones
skooter blennie
manderin goby
yellow head jaw fish,6 damsels, sail fin tang, cinnimon clown, 3 perc. clown, 6 pepermint shrimp,


I'm assuming yours is a fish only. My reef has gone up to 84 degrees in the last two days and the corals and fish seem fine with it. I'd worry if it was any higher or if the temp. fluctuates by too many degrees in a short time. Your tank should be ok with fish only. I've read a few posts of people having their tanks at 84 during the summer and survive.


Active Member
Stable conditions are always best in any tank.
A high temp of 82 I do not feel will be a problem however.
I have a reef tank that ranges a few degrees through the day and has at times hit temps in the mid 80's without any problems.
If you feel the temp in your setup is getting to high there are a few fairly easy things to do like just simply leaving the hood open during the day.