Water Test Kits


What do all of you guys/gals :D use to test your water parameters? I bring my water to my LFS to have it tested but I am sure they will stop that considering how often I and others do it. So I should get a test kit and don't know which one to get. I see some of you posting very specific values for pH and Calcium and stuff. What do you use? Thanks a lot everyone.


I like salifert test kits for Ca, alk, nitate, and PO4
tropic marin for Ph
for a fish only tank a basic test kit will get you by. including amonia, nitite, nitrate, PH, mabee throw Alk in there too
for a reef add Alk and Ca test kits. A Mag test kit wouldnt hurt to have around.


I use salifert exclusively a bit more expensive but well worth it. I found that out from reading the postings that the more experienced people had on this board.:) I test for ammonia nitrite nitrate phosphate alk calcium magnesium and ph. ammonia and nitrite I don't test often anymore cause my tank has cycled. 2 times a week I check my trates and phophates they haven't been much of a problem as I use RO/DI water. The alk mag and calcium ph I check daily as I have been dosing with calcium and mag trying to maintain proper levels.

nm reef

Active Member
I prefer Salifert tests over any others I've tried. They are easy to use...accurate...readily available...and not extremely expensive. :cool:


Active Member
put another vote in for salifert! I have and use test kits from Tetra, Aquarium systems, Hagen, & Salifert. I like the accuracy with Salifert the best. I found the best prices on them right here too! ( swf.com)


Hmmm...So you guys are saying that I should probably go with Salifert? Ok, sounds good to me. Thanks a lot everyone, this place is the best!!


Active Member
I use Salifert for all my test kits. If you're searching for even more accuracy, look into LaMotte. They make only the most accurate test kits. Unfortunatly, their products can be quite pricey.


So suppose I then test all of those parameters and they are less than ideal. How can I fix it if my Mag is low, or my Alk is high, or my Phos is high? Is there a place/book where I can find this info because I realize that it is very dependent on a lot of things. thanks!
Yeppers. Do a search for posts by Broomer5. He has a fairly good if not excellent grasp on water chemistry. So do several other members here...just can't remember right off who they are.
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