water test results


New Member
I have a new 44 gallon tank. Just mixed my salt in and I plan to add about 25 lbs of live rock pretty soon. What should my salinity, ph level...etc. be? And also, when is it safe to add fish?
I'd let the tank cycle first before adding fish. Let your tank sit for about a week or so after adding the live rock. Also toss in a piece of shrimp or fish to start the ammonia spike. Then the rest is just a little time :) Salinity 1.023-1.025 ,
pH 8.2 - 8.4.


I would also do what I did... spend many hours reading message boards and books. There's tons of info on the subject.
Also, if you post a bit more info on what your set-up is, you'll prob get more specific answers to your question. As for the cycle...it may take several weeks for the water to get "just right", even with live rock. Are you going to use live sand as well?
Have fun!:)