Water Testing and Cycle question


New Member
Ok, here goes another question. My, dead looking, live rock arrived monday 6/26/06. I tested my water tonight 6/29/06 and got the following results....water temp 78 degrees (F), PH 8.4, Alk. Normal, Nitrate 10ppm Amonia 0.25 13% toxic amonia and Nitrite 0.2. Prior to my putting the rock in I had 2 damsels in the tank that kicked the bucket after 2 days and I have also added a bottle of Stability over a period of a week. My question is, Do these water test results sound correct and what should I expect the water results to be in the future? How much longer before the cleaning crew can be added?
Grubby :thinking:


well if this is a new tank then you can expect these readings because the tank is cycling my tank completed its cycle in 22 days some tanks more,some less.you'll have to wait until all readings are zero before adding your crew.again the every tank is different so just kick back and let nature take its course
good luck