Water testing while cycling


I was told to keep a close eye on my Ammonia and Nitrites while testing. Is there anything else I want to test during this time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by otter
I was told to keep a close eye on my Ammonia and Nitrites while testing. Is there anything else I want to test during this time?
You will also want to test Nitrates, Salinity/Specific Gravity, and PH. If you are going to do a reef tank, you will want to go above and beyond, calcium etc.


Originally Posted by ReefNut
Ammonia, nitrites and nitrates... other testing can wait until the cycle is complete.

Is there any difference between fresh water and salt water tests for Ammonia or Nitrites?


Active Member
depends on the kit some are good for both some are good for one or the other just read the label on the box it'll tell you if its for marine or fresh. or both