


I have a fish only tank with some live rock. I am currently using tap water. Can bottled or distilled water be used. I have no way to set up a ro unit. What's with the really slow moving, blinking cursor?


Active Member
TheBster said:
I have a fish only tank with some live rock. I am currently using tap water. Can bottled or distilled water be used. I have no way to set up a ro unit. What's with the really slow moving, blinking cursor?[/QUOTE
do you have fish in there now?? if so from now on, please please i urge you to go to your local grocery store, and use their water stations which is RO water, mine sells it $.39 per gallon...tap water is going to cause you headaches down the road, including brown diatoms all over your tank, good luck..


Thanks, I 've never seen Ro units in the supermarket. I will chech it out. Yes, I have fish in there for about 2 years now. I have lots of nice green hair alge. What a pain!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheBster
Thanks, I 've never seen Ro units in the supermarket. I will chech it out. Yes, I have fish in there for about 2 years now. I have lots of nice green hair alge. What a pain!
have any tangs? or algae eating angels? they may dig it!


I plan to get a yellow tang soon. I can't find a supermarket that sells Ro water.


Active Member
they sell ro water in those machines i see hea and dea... them big machine that u place your bottole under a spout and u put change in em... but why cant u get a ro/di unit??.. i think it's almost impossible to not be able to have 1... i mean.. if u have a sink.. any sink then u can have 1..


I don't have room for the storage tank. How do you set one up?


Active Member
it perdy easy.. turn the water off to the sink.. remove the cold water line to the facet.. then put in this T/cuplink thing.. ( it so 1 end attaches to the facet agin.. on the side' it 'T's off to feed the ro/di unit.. and the bottom of the t/cuplink thing is when u connect the water supply line on) then u drill a small hole in the top side of the drain like.. then hook up the wast line from the ro/di unit to it via a saddle (which should be included with the system) the resavour/bladder tank is about the size of them ballon helium tanks..(the small ones u can buy at the supermarlet) then hookd that to the ro/di unit and there ya go..
dont know if other sysytems are hooked up like this but mines is..( i got it off e.......bay)