

New Member
I'm about to set up my 44 gallon salt water tank. I have a Seaclone 100 protein skimmer and Emperor Power Filter 280B so far. What kind of water do I need to use? Can I just use regular tap water (then mix in the instant ocean), or do I need some special kind of water?


You should use Revers Osmosis (RO) water if possable. This is water that has the metals, phosphates, and other impurities removed. This is the water that you should always top off with. Then there is distilled water. (DI) or RO/DI water would be the best where both processes are combinded.
Look in your phone book for water and ask how much they charge for it. Meijer will usually carry RO water.


The local walmart has distilled water and it works for me, I buy it by the gallon. 58 cents a gallon.


New Member
The LFS usually have RO water or at least mine does. They charge 80 cents a gallon for salt RO water and 65 cents for freshwater RO. Check your LFS to see what they offer. You can pick up a bare bones RO for approx 80-90 dollars. Best way to do it. Aquarium pharmaceducals makes a tap water purifier for about 40 dollars which makes up to 120 gallons a day. I know its probobly not RO water but it claims to make perfect tank water.