I work at a garden center, where we sell pond supplies. I need to get a larger pump for my 150g fowlr tank. (2000gph) We sell a waterfall pump and i can get it for free.WOndering if that will give me problems??? :help:
What kind is it?? Make sure any internal parts are stainless steel, ceramic or plastic... saltwater can be much more corrosive than freshwater... in other words, make sure it is rated for saltwater use. A make and model would help!!
I'm Using A Pump Made By Little Giant In My Sump. It Wasn't Rated For Saltwater, But Since We Already Had It We Decided To Use It Until It Caused A Problem. It's Been Running Continuously For 6-7 Months Now Without A Problem. I Say If It's Free It's Worth A Shot. You Won't Be Out Anything If It Doesn't Work Out.