

Has anyone tried and been sucessful on building a low cost wavemaker? I can do one for about 80 bucks but it is rather ratty and thats without a case or timer to turn it down at night. I need to run 4 power heads min and would prefer 6.


Active Member
You can buy the little surge protector type outlets--the ones with like 6-7 outlets on one thing ---strip outlets I think they are called that have timers built into them for like 3-4 seperate outlets. Made for that exact purpose. You can get them online or through most Mail order pet supply places for like $30


will look for strip timers that may prove good as far as ditching powerhead, thats not an option, squids are 30 bucks a pop and need at least three to do it right so 90 bucks and im back where I started with 100+ for do it the right way. If I can find the power strip deal cool, if not, screw it might as well do it right instead of do it again and again until i get what i want


unless you are trying to have 6 different currents going i don't know why you couldnt just try this:


I have found happy land. was acutally sort of funny. I tried radio shack and the dude had some smarts that i never thought of. I really only needed two of the power heads to run to produce my current and both could come on at same time due to positions. He only had five minute timers on hand but if hooked up properly they do a nice 2.5 minute cycle each turning the other on. It only cost about 20 bucks and works great. The idea behind it is one time is set to go on 2.5 after the first starts. It gets its power to cut on 2.5 after timer one goes off. they both run to the same power strip. It's a regular GE off the shelf timer if anyone needs to do this low buck... WORKS GREAT