Way to tell if you have bristle worms?


I did have an Underground filter and when I ripped that out I found 3 bristle worms. At the time I thought that they were bad so I flushed them. That was like 4 monthe ago but after reading all these threads that worms are good, I haven't seen any. I try looking at nite and don't wanna paly around with the 50 lbs cc and 75 lbs LS. What are some of the signs that you have bristle worms? What do they eat? How do I bring them to my tank if they are good for ya? THX Rick


I do still have your email (from earlier thread - just gotta find out what books she had a question on - that list is huge :)
On the bristle worms I see mine usually shortly after I turn the lights out, especially if I fed at night (I rotate my feedings) they usually come out of a rock or the sand and get the little bits of meaty food that the fish and inverts don't get.
Sometimes I won't see any for weeks, then I see 4 or 5 that are pretty big, so I know they are surviving and multiplying.
I believe they usually come as hitchhikers on rock, sand , etc.
If you don't see any let me know and I will try to catch a few out of my tank and give em to you. I know I have tons in my sand bed so a few being donated wouldnt hurt anything.


Active Member
If you had some, you have more. They multiply like crazy.
They will eat stuff left over from the fish. Great scavengers.


How do you get rid of them????
I have read to take out rock and dip in a high salt,
or to dip in fresh water.
(would that not kill off the polyps and ect.?)
I have a home made pipe,
that I use to catch them in .It will work sometimes,
but not all the time. Is there a better way??


Active Member
Why get rid of them? They are great scavengers in a tank, they keep it real clean by eating exess food. No food=no pollution.
HTH, Dan


Do they not eat your corals,ect???
Is there no harm in them??
Some of them are come out when you feed .