Ways to help cycle a new tank CLAIRIFICATION


New Member
I set up a tank by getting water from a man at a pet store from his existing show tank. If you choose to try this make sure you are sure of the water The water that I got was from his show tank. It had been up and healthy for many years. He had not lost a fish from that tank in a very very very long time! Taking water from the regular tanks they sell fish out of could be way more problems than what it is worth.
Fishub you are right Sorry I wasnt clear on my first post


Active Member
What is the advantage of using another person's tankwater when starting up a new tank ?
What does this "used" water have in it that newly mixed aerated saltwater does not - besides fish wastes ??
Besides not having to mix up your own saltwater, name one beneficial reason to use someone elses tankwater, and please don't say because it's "cycled" water.


Active Member
Using water from an old tank will not help a cycle because all the bacteria are settled out in the tank, but using water from a tank just finishing up a cycle would help as many new bacteria are still floating around the water colume looking for a place to stay, but some good LS or Bio-culture would probably have a better effect.
Using water from someones well established tank would do you more good after the cycle is over as it could add micro-organizms to your water colume missing in new tanks, some of which would not survive the cycle.