We have clown fry!!!


New Member
My clowns layed eggs last monday and they hatched today!!! Although I am not set up to raise them yet I wanted to start with some of it. I fixed up a small tank as I have seen others post, with blacked out walls and air hose bubbling up the heater. I stayed up late last night thinking it may be the night but tonight about 1/2 hour after lights out they hatched. I used a flashlite covered with black tape and a small hole to attract them and scooped them out with a glass. It worked pretty good. Rough guess is I collected about 250 to 300, lost 50 in tank and 15 did not hatch yet.
I am in the process of getting rots , intant algea and phyto for the next batch. I would also like to make a larval collector if I can find some plans somewhere.
To bad these little guys wont make it. But at least I know I can get them out of the tank. I only lost 2 or 3 in the transfer. I will try to get pics in the morning for now its bed time....Pugi