We where all newbs at one point


Well-Known Member
LOL what were you doing to find that thread? Blast from the past indeed.
We should start a noob story swap, see what some of us did or didn't do when we started this hobby.
I did my research, read a LOT, and set up my tank correctly. Then my cycle came and went, but.......
impatience (and a shady fish store clerk....) got the best of me and I overstocked a 55 gallon far too quickly. How's 2 damsels, 2 ocelaris clowns, a coral beauty, scooter blenny, and a medium-sized yellow tang sound? They were purchased within DAYS of each other (again, at fish store clerk's reassurance that it was OK).
Do you think my tank crashed? YOU betcha! I found this website right around that time.....oh well. Of the original 55 gallon inhabitants, one clownfish and the scooter blenny survived. In fact, I still have them -- they're in my 110 gallon now.
ANyone else have embarassing stories of noobiness?

coral keeper

Active Member
I do.... lol
Also, when I didn't know about this site I had a 25 gallon high FOWLR. In that tank was like 10 lb of live rock, 2 inches of CC, and just a regular canister filter. My stock list was: 10 lb of live rock, 2 inches of CC, stars and stripes puffer, fox face, monkey face eel, 2 blue damsels, maroon clownfish, coral beauty angelfish, and a ton of hermits, crabs, and snails. The tank crashed when I just found this site. The only thing that survived is the maroon. This was about 2 years or more ago. The damn LFS!!
BTW, I still have the maroon and she is in a mixed reef and is fat and healthy. Here is a link to my 28 gallon mixed reef.
I am SOOOO much more experienced than I was when I just found this site.

coral keeper

Active Member
Also, PLEASE DON'T FLAME ME!!! lol That was a REALLY long time ago and I didn't know about this site and I listened to the LFS.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Also, PLEASE DON'T FLAME ME!!! lol That was a REALLY long time ago and I didn't know about this site and I listened to the LFS.

LOL why would anyone flame you for something you did back when you didn't know better? That's what I think is really fun about this thread....like blackjack said, we were ALL there at one point. I'll bet even some of the real saltwater gurus among us had some "DOH!" moments back in the day.
Oh, and if anyone is one of those people who did everything right the first time, and wants to come in here and rub our noses in it.... you can't play in this sandbox.


Active Member
K, my first "big girl" setup included the Lifegard modules, the brown and yellow ones with the slip connections a couple of models before they became Pentair. Wow, that was a run on sentence. "F" in grammar for me.... but I digress. It said to "glue" the connections together. So I got the silicone glue and put it all together. I remember the sound when it all started to run beautifully.... I was so happy..... and then the horrible sound when the system came flying apart. It drained all 50g of water because I didn't actually have it set up, had the hose just stuck into the tank. I didn't react fast enough to stop the siphon.... I just stood there with my mouth open watching it all in slow motion. I was off work on a leave of absence from throwing out my back trying to get the glass tank up 3 flights of stairs by myself. I could have cried looking at the mess knowing my physical limitations at that time. I called the company up and said "What the.....?". She said it was not a beginners setup and anyone with experience would know to use PVC CEMENT... I was like, "No where on here does it say it's not a beginner's setup and if they meant CEMENT why couldn't they just SAY CEMENT!".


My lfs told me I could set up a salt tank with a standard walmart fishtank (and filter). I did get a powerhead. I got regular sand, and was having PH issues. So I asked the lfs what to do (this information was obtained at 2 lfs's that both sold saltwater fish and anemones). Then i was told i needed cc to buffer ph, so i added that. Then I learned about live sand. Well, you can see the layered results in my FTS now! Then I was told to cycle with a molly. I had researched some and knew i needed liverock. One LFS told me I didnt need live rock because base rock would become live rock eventually anyway. The other place I went said i would only need a few pounds and that would be fine. Then after 3 and a half weeks of molly-cycling, I saw a beautiful goniporia at one of these shops. Yes.
I had a standard strip light (I got the one that said for use with corals/inverts). I asked the lfs how hard they were to take care of; lighting needs, diet. They said they were easier than an anemone (which they carry all the time under pc lights in a tall tank). Just after the goniporia purchase i had discovered swf.com and placed my first order for the cleanup crew, pods, plants, and 2 fish (I took the molly out). I discovered the message boards later on. SO what transpired, of course, was that the poor goniporia began to die. The ammonia (of course) shot up. My order from swf.com came, and I had set up a large plastic bin with the tank light to house everything in it until the tank stabalized. Of course an uncycled bucket wouldnt be enough for the time needed for the tank to re-stabalize with a dying, rather large, coral. Needless to say, it was a huge and horrible disaster. I discovered the message boards, changed some equipment, and that was the aweful beginning to the hobby for me.
It's pretty aweful.


Active Member
Not gonna post a story but I just go back every now and then to see when I first joined and the dumb questions I asked. Its just to dang funny!!!
Now after reading about 15+ books and reading swf stuff all day makes it even funnier!! ahh the good ole days


Active Member
i made my first mistake when i bought a 125 gallon tank with canister filter on it and keep putting fish in it all of them died. now a bigger mistake having 450 gallon reef tank


Buying three pilot fish for a 150G without researching their maximum size potential (3 feet). Tank caught fire not long after. Fish were fine. Water is a good place to be when your world is on fire.