Week and a half old tank


A week and a half ago i started a 29 gallon salt. I added live rock and live sand a couple of days later. I added 8 lbs. of live rock and 20 lbs. of live sand. Today I added 2 tank raised perculas. Will they be ok even though the tank isn't that old. Also I have been using Cycle.


you really should not add fish till after the tank has cycled. hopefully they will survive, clowns and damsels are both kinda hard to kill so you stand a pretty decent chance of making it through. give your tank a while before you add anything else to it. good luck


During my cycle I used 3 damsels and 1 clown. Unfortunately I didn't know about this board at the time and only 1 damsel survived the ordeal. I don't think you should get overly attached to your clowns just in case. This is my second time around in this hobby and I'll offer you one piece of valuable advise. Get plenty of lr and ls. I have over 3 inches of ls and 55lbs of lr in my 29gallon this time around and everything is doing wonderful. Since reading on this board and other sources I've not had a single death (cross my fingers). I wasn't to excited about getting lr but it has helped out tremendously. I removed an eheim cannister filter($200) and a bacpak skimmer($150) and still have had great water quality. Welcome aboard and good luck.


you can never have enough lr and LS IMO. I have close to 300# of LR in my tank and i am starting to add smaller pieces over time to not bother my tank too much.


I'll bet they live , they are pretty hardy little guys. I wouldn't add anything else though for a good long time.
Good Luck (to you and your clowns)


Okay, well I made the same mistake. All my fish lived, but I had to kick butt and work real hard to keep them alive. I also prolonged my cycle... but worth it because everyone is alive.
I did use cycle. I won't again, because I will do it right from now on, but IMO the cycle (product called cycle) helped save the fish. I also added slowly Natures Ocean Live Sand. Finally, I did 5-10% water changes often, like twice a week or more. My tank cycled VERY slowly and prolonged the semi-poison water, but everyone is healthy and well in the cycled tank now.
Good Luck. (I'm very attached to my clowns and would have been very sad to lose them).