Weening a Lion, 3 weeks and counting.


I have been starving my young Lion for aa little over 3 weeks now. He still wont take dead food. I have attempted the following:
Krill: from tongs
on a clear stick
on a string
from my fingers
squid: on a string
Cant seem to find silver sides anyware. been to 7 pets shops in the area. HELP.


Active Member
give him a couple of rosy reds and then IMMEDIATLEY drop in a piece of krill. this has worked for me before. hopefully it will work for you. bo


Let me ask , do any of these food items which your tryin to feed the lion still have an eye?
i ask becuz i find that lions tend to focus on the eye when they are considering things live or dead. So the fish on a stick or sting hasn't worked for three weeks? damn this is one stubborn fish.
Do you see him go after the food when you drop it in the tank? is he curious? or scared. I'm wonderin if your too aggressive making the food look realistic. Will he at least mouth the food? even thou he doesn't swallow it.
Do you have any other fish in this tank? which might eat the dead food and teach the lion?
Lastly, you might want to seed the water w/ juice from a silverside or shrimp, then when hes looking around introduce the fish on a stick away from the lion and then make it come alive
jester: a rosey red is a live swimming minnow (carp)


Active Member
yeah thats what a rosy red is. i highly advise against using these as diet staples. but many a time, i have seen that what i described used as a way to break a fast. the krill is the same color, and the lion will be hungary. good luck with the lion, bo


Hell eat live in a sec. He's not fasting, just not eating dead. Yes, some of the krill still have eyes. He will stike it, but spit it out as soon as he figures out it;'s not lie.


Is the krill frozen or the freezed dry? I have had better luck with the freezed dried, and if you are useing the freezed dried are you soaking it first? They will not go for it if it is all dried up. Good Luck

b volitans

I just bought a Volitans Lionfish a month ago and it did the SAME thing... you need to get silversides, if you can't find them locally try over the internet. I found silversides at a local Pet-co believe it or not... thats what sparked my Lionfish to eat RIGHT away. If you go to <a href="http://www.Bio-aquatics.com" target="_blank">www.Bio-aquatics.com</a> they sell silversides over the internet... if that's your last option. :D