weight of tank


New Member
I am interested in setting up a tank and was wondering if the weight of the tank should be taken into consideration. I live in an apartment and was thinking of getting a 29 gallon tank. Also, is it a good idea to buy all-in-one tanks such as Eclipse or would I be better off buying each piece separately.
Thanks for the help


if the tank is only a 29g it will be fine. IMO you could have up to a 55g and can go much larger if you are on the bottom floor. basicly just dont build a 150-500g on the 10th floor of an apartment. as for the second part of your question i dont know how well the contained systems filter a reef. i have never owned one but i love to customise as needed and im not sure if those systems offer much customization of the tank.


29 gallons isn't a weight issue at all. As far as the type of tank, I'll leave that to someone with more expertise than I.


Let me throw you a bone here...I own a 29 gallon high and live on the 2nd floor. I also have a 125 gallon tank. The 29 gallon doesn't matter at all where you place it...but I put the 125 along an inside wall. That way it runs across the beams, and not with them, just to be safe. The way you figure it is that a gallon of water weighs a little more than 8 pounds. Plus count the gravel/sand and things in it.
Happy fishing! (without the pole that is)


Keep in mind the age of the apartment complex as well. I have a 55 gallon on the third floor, and my apartment is about 3 years old. Obviously, building codes have improved over the years, and they way overbuild apartments. Just my 2 cents..


To me it wouldn't be worth it to get another. They look cool and all, but most of the time I've got the lid open to help keep the tank around 78 degrees. I don't even use the filter, I let my dsb, lr, and protien skimmer do it for me. To be able to use the skimmer I had to put two holes in the side to mount it. With my next tank I will have a glass top with a canopy, much easier to work with. HTH.


Put it on a load bearing wall and you'll have no worries...Not that there is a lot to worry about with a 30gal. Any tank you can move while full of rock and water weighs less than a couch :D
I know how you feel, I have an aquarium room with a 100gal, a 200gal and a 90gal all within feet of each other. I'm waiting for that side of the house to start leeeaaaaning over and creeeeaaaaking.