Weird behavior by Sailfin Tang


I have a medium size sailfin tang. Had him for probably 3 years. He's been in my reef tank for about 3 months. It's 137 gallons, and he's the only fish besides 3 green chromis and one blue damsel. Last night just before lights went out I looked in the tank and the sailfin was almost white. Never seen him that light before. He looked like he was trying to get out the corner of the tank like he was panicked. A little later he was normal. Today, I walked by the tank and he was almost black, panicked looking and trying to get out the same corner. I did all the water tests and everything is fine.By the time I was done with the tests, he appeared normal again. Does anyone else have a sailfin that sometimes acts like this?


Sailfins are notorious for their chameleon-like ability to change colors (that is from very dark to extremely pale). You have had it for three years and this color change is new behavior? My Sailfin is constantly changing colors throughout the day. It usually is darker when startled or in an agrresive mood with the Kole Tang. Yours is probably adjusting to this new reef paradise and getting aquainted with all the new inhabitants. The weird 'corner of the tank' behaviour could be a result of it seeing it's reflection and going ballistic (thinking that it is another Sailfin). Let us know how the behaviour progresses. TT


I haven't added anything new. Nothing has changed. I know that they change coloring all the time because it even had another one before him for probably 7 years. However, I am talking really dark,almost black, and REALLY white. Never seen that much of change before. Guess I'll give him a piece of Nori to see what happens. I'm sure he'll eat just like normal