Weird case for my clownfish



I've had my two false percs for almost 10 months now and one has always been the more aggressive and bigger one, so I would assume that would be my female clown. My other clown, the male I guess, was the smaller one so I guess everything is going right. However, I just realize that my male clown has grown a lot bigger than my female clown and he was much much smaller than her when I first introduced them at the same time. So now he becomes a little aggressive towards my female clown. Couple of weeks ago I saw them kinda kissing each other at night though. Aren't male clowns supposed to stay smaller than the females??? My concern right now is just that my male clown would turn into a female and I would end up with two female clowns and they would fight to death.


Active Member
my guess would be that they were both juvenile and one just happened to be bigger than the other.
and during the growing process, the originally bigger fish was somehow being perceived as the weaker one.