I have a Blue Hippo Tang that came down with Ich because another fish I introduced into my tank got it after 2 days in the tank(couldn't QT b/c of unfortunate circumstances). Anyway i got the other fish out and later that same day my Tang came down with Ich(I think due to stress from trying to catch the other fish). Well upon further examination I noticed it was breathing EXTREMELY heavy and not moving, it stayed in the same spot all day today. Well i have pulled it out of my tank to begin treatment. The WEIRD thing is my Bicolor angle has something strange going on with it. It is breathing EXTREMELY heavy, like the tang and I mean heavily, but the thing is, it looks like it's mouth is BLOODY???? It looks like it got in boxing match. What could this possibly be? By the way my tank cheched out fine with pH, Nitrate, Nitrite, and Amonia.