Weird fish for ten gallons


New Member
Hey guys, I recently set up a 10 gallon nanotank (recently as in a couple weeks ago). I was wondering, if there was any "oddballs" that could go in there. "reefsafeness" doesn't really matter, though I would prefer something that won't munch soft coral.
Previously, I was looking at a frogfish, but unfortunately I cannot be sure on what species. I would hate to get something like Antennarius commersoni and have him get too large.
I may eventually have a 33 gallon refugium available to house this fish. But that is not certain yet, and I would like for the fish to be able to live in my 10 gallon for at least a few months. The weirder the better! :scared:
I do 50% water changes every two weeks, but I don't have a skimmer yet.