*WEIRD* fish...


ok this is in my brothers tank...
he has a false perc in his 10 gallon tank....and it is acting extremely weird...it acts like its breathing hard.....it only swims on its side...or like its rubbing against something...but it doesnt rub against the live rock...only the algae....
and that brings us to his other problem....he has TONS of algae.....its every where in every color....he has got red slime algae and green hair algae...and some brown i suppose diatom algae...
the only inhabitants are the clown and a serpent star i believe...but the fish's sympots are:
*breathes heavily
*swims on its side
*rubs against the algae ...(not the live rock)
*its lips wont close.....they stay pooched out
*it wont eat...we havent seen it eat (but it must be eating sometime just for the fact it is still alive...it has been acting like this for some time now
*and at times...it gets pale
i agree my brother has not been keeping up his tank mantience as he should...but i am confused on this one...his water is pretty low right now...too...i think thats it!! anyone have any ideas??:notsure:


Active Member
The clown may have Brooklynella. Take a look at the Diseased Fish thread at the top of this page and see if the clown looks like any of those in the pictures. Symptoms of Brooklynella are white skin lesions, a thick whitish mucus coating, gasping near the surface, and/or lethargic behavior. The clown may not display all of these symptoms, but I believe Brooklynella is worth looking into. :)
And please tell your brother to take better care of his saltwater creatures. Their lives are in his hands and he should give them no less than his best care and treatment.


it doesnt really look likes any of those pictures....and its not like a white coating......its just like its pale....and it does breathe hard...but not at the surface.......its at the bottom in this same spot under the filter...and i dont see any shedding of the skin or erosion of the fins:confused:


Active Member
The fish is probably suffering from poor water quality, then. Ask your brother what all of the levels in his tank are at and we can go from there.