Weird lion angelfish relation



Some of you may remember my post about starting a 150gal and in the meantime I have a Juveniulle Emperor in my Lionfish tank. He's doing great, very cool fish. Except lately the Emperor has been acting kinda weird towards my larger Spotfin Lion. At first I thought he was picking on the lion. But after some close observation, I don't think he is. Here's what the Emperor does... he slowly swims towards the lion, then snuggles up next to him, I mean really close, like laying right up against the lion, almost pushing. Then after a little while, the Emperor just swims away. I can tell the lion is sortof annoyed but he never swims away.
So what's the Emperor doing? Is he hitting on the lion?
Or is this a way to bug the lion, or what?


lol, yea all these views and nobody has an answer. I thought maybe this was normal behavior for an emperor angel. But I guess he's just odd.


Active Member
The only thing I can think of is it may be the start of a territorial issue, doubt it is a mating dance


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
lol, yea all these views and nobody has an answer. I thought maybe this was normal behavior for an emperor angel. But I guess he's just odd.

Odd for us, but probably normal for the fish. I had a Cuban Hogfish that had a "relationship" like this with a full grown Volitan Lion for many years. Also, young fish of many species can act as parasite cleaners. Enjoy the Emperor! Raising a large Angel from juvi to healthy adult is, IMO, one of the most rewarding experiences in this addiction. Emperors, IME, are fairly easy fish. IMO, the 3 keys are: plenty of room, varied diet (the older they get, the more green stuff), and vitamin supplements.


Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
The only thing I can think of is it may be the start of a territorial issue, doubt it is a mating dance
I agree with this estimation. Your juvi emp is trying to flash his fins to show his dominance :)