Weird little snails


Hello everyone,
I know a picture would be helpful, but unfortunately I don't have one. What I DO have are these little round brown and white striped snails that seem to be multiplying like rabbits in my tank. I'm certain they came on my live rock and have noticed lately their population has increased. They are very fact, I don't think there are any larger than a pea. Most are closer to the size of a pinhead. What are these and are they harmful? If I should get rid of them, then how do I go about it?
Beth ***)


I have a couple of those as well, they did come in on my lr and the lfs told me they were good for eating algae. I'm curious too as to how many is good and what constitutes too many and how to get rid of them.


Active Member
They are harmful. I can't remember what they are called just now, but I believe they feed on certain soft corals. Perhaps zoanthids or mushrooms. I'll try to remember what they're called and give more info, but I believe you should try to remove them whenever you see them.
I'll also post and let you know if I figure out that I'm mistaken on this.


Active Member
Is it the sundial snail? See this thread.
If so, try to get them out of there. Particularly if you have any zoanthids! Here's Ophiura's excellent description:
"This snail is called Heliacus and is another one of the problematic "remove ASAP" snails one might find in their tank. Typically, sundial snails are found on colonies of zoanthids, button polyps and similar which they feed on. If you feel that your polyps are slowly dying off or just not spreading, you may wish to check closely for this snail which is a predator of these types of polyps. The snail is difficult to see because it sits snug towards the base of the polyps, where it basically punctures them and sucks out the insides. It is wise to check any new colonies for this pest and remove it. Thankfully the shell is pretty characteristic."
As for removal, I'm not really sure. Search "sundial snails" in the forums, and you'll likely find some advice. I had some on a new colony of zoathids at one point, but I was able to spot them and get rid of them through a short dip before the colony went into the tank. (Actually, I'm lucky it worked...)


Originally Posted by Thomas712
Do they look like this?
No...they don't have the long antennae things. The brown on them is almost a reddish brown.


Originally Posted by uberlink
Is it the sundial snail? See this thread.
If so, try to get them out of there. Particularly if you have any zoanthids! Here's Ophiura's excellent description:
"This snail is called Heliacus and is another one of the problematic "remove ASAP" snails one might find in their tank. Typically, sundial snails are found on colonies of zoanthids, button polyps and similar which they feed on. If you feel that your polyps are slowly dying off or just not spreading, you may wish to check closely for this snail which is a predator of these types of polyps. The snail is difficult to see because it sits snug towards the base of the polyps, where it basically punctures them and sucks out the insides. It is wise to check any new colonies for this pest and remove it. Thankfully the shell is pretty characteristic."
As for removal, I'm not really sure. Search "sundial snails" in the forums, and you'll likely find some advice. I had some on a new colony of zoathids at one point, but I was able to spot them and get rid of them through a short dip before the colony went into the tank. (Actually, I'm lucky it worked...)
They don't quite look like the sundial either...but it is hard to tell because mine are so small. They have been in there since my tank has cycled (since May) and have multiplied, but none have gotten any bigger than a small pea
:thinking: :thinking:


Active Member
do they look like this? these have all different shell patterns reddish brown stripes and stay really small and breed really fast. I dont remember the name (they are not nassarius snails) the person I got them off called them mini conchs though thats not the correct name. they just eat algae and are great cleaners. they never dive in the sand.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
do they look like this? these have all different shell patterns reddish brown stripes and stay really small and breed really fast. I dont remember the name (they are not nassarius snails) the person I got them off called them mini conchs though thats not the correct name. they just eat algae and are great cleaners. they never dive in the sand.
Not quite...they definitely have a round shell. Also, I looked up sundial snail further (I'm getting worried that's what they are), and mine do not have the rattle-snake looking projection that sundial snails have. I'm looking on other websites trying to find a photo that looks like them and I can't seem to find one


I Think I have the same thing as you in my tanks. I have hundreds of them I will try to get my brother-in-law to take a pic and post it.


Originally Posted by PolarBear1
I Think I have the same thing as you in my tanks. I have hundreds of them I will try to get my brother-in-law to take a pic and post it.
That would be great if you get a pic! I have hundreds of them too!


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
ok sorry I couldnt be more help.
No, no! Thank you! You've been a big help, actually. At least I have eliminated some possibilities!


New Member
so far these have been nothing but good algae eaters in these tanks and as you can seefrom the last pic no problems w/eating shrooms or anything



Active Member
just get a puffer the best fish in th world, and he will eat them all. It will be judgement day for the tiny beasts.


New Member
It would also mean the destruction of anything you worked hard to grow in your tank!!!