Weird? New Pep. Shrimp molted already/Goby missin'

jonny bolt

Well last night I fed the boys, tank raised Maroon Clown, Atlantic Pygmy Angel, and Orange Spotted Goby. I saw my goby hangin out, and the new peppermint shrimp came out and had a few bites as well. Then today......I flip the lights on......Bailey Nudd (my goby) is not in any of his usual spots. I cant find him anywhere. i'm like WTF? So geek out and start searchin', I look towards the back of the tank in the middle, and I see something that looks like a corpse. I'm like oh I get a net finally manage to get it up off the bottom, and I look at it and it's the shell of my Peppermint Shrimp! A few antennaes and all! lol. I just got this thing the other day, and its already molted? Is this weird? Has anyone else had this happen?
Well anyway, I still cant find Nuddskee. It would be next to impossible for him to jump out of the tank, I have the back of the hood covered. Plus he never left the bottom. The only times I saw him swim up was when he was swimmin up to grab live brine shrimp I would throw in. And even with that, he never went up more than 12" from the sand bed.
I dont know where he could of gone. This just seems really weird that this has happened a few days after I got that shrimp. Nudd was the first fish in my tank. I have hope but its not lookin' good :(
Anyone else have any weird stuff like this go on?


I got three peppermint shrimp to eat the aiptasia. The very night first night I had them in the tank I had turned off the lights and one of shrimp started releasing tons of baby shrimps, which my clowns pigged out on... The very next morning I saw two molted shrimp skins. Be careful of these guys they eat EVERYTHING! They ate have my Christmas tree worm. Also, mine always have eggs in them. About every two weeks they release them and a couple days later I see them with more eggs. All three of them, so they must be like snails, I guess.? I have to get them out before they eat every last thing on my live rock. I do have to say they were absolutely awesome at getting rid of the aiptasia. I had a major problem with them and the shrimp ate all of them with in three days. I guess you have to take the good with the bad... :thinking:


New Member
keep a watch out the goby was/is probably just hiding. they can bury themselves completely in the substrate,(I think) my blenny does every night and they are similar to gobies.Anyway I dont think anything in your tank can eat it overnight(might be wrong). Still learning... Good luck. Let us know......

jonny bolt

Thanks for the replies. Still havent seen my goby. Thing is, he never dug tunnels or anything like that. He has a couple of forts and a bunch of perches, but I never saw him dig or tunnel.
Theres definitely sumthin fishy goin on lol. Just in case, I got a flashlight out and looked behind the stand and stuff, didnt see nuthin.