Weird stuff with my anemone.


New Member
I'm not sure what kind of anemone I have [had], the tag where I bought it just said "Long-tentacled anemone". Anyways, he was the host of my maroon clownfish and recently something real weird has happened to him and caused his death.
At first, one large bubble came out of his mouth as though he were reproducing asexually but I don't think that's what it was. A few days later yet another bubble popped out on the side of the first one. It wasn't very long after that it overtook him and he just up and died. I dont' have any idea what happened to him. I now know that he's dead because his tentacles are shriveled and he won't come out. Has anyone ever heard of this?
Thanx, Duce


Thats usualy a sign of bad water conditions as the anemone expells the water inside it, but I imagine you have already checked all that.
The only other thing that springs to mind is that the anemone has suddenly been exposed to much more light than it is used to. This can be more damaging than placing it in less light than it is used to.