I have a 150fo tank with a 3" clown triggerfish. He is growing and instead of his whole mouth area yellow like when he was smaller it is starting to turn black near his mouth and he is acting really weird lately. He hides a lot now during the day(he never did this before) and he has a major problem eating-not because he doesn't want to though! He misses the food constantly. He goes to bite at it and goes below it everytime. The only thing he ever gets is some of the algae sheets because they're so big he can't miss. I dont think he is getting enough of the algae though. Is it possible that because he is growing that he is having a problem adjusting or that the black color forming the circle around his mouth is throwing him off? Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks-Kevin
[This message has been edited by kb (edited 12-01-2000).]
[This message has been edited by kb (edited 12-01-2000).]