weird white spots????


There are these little tiny white spot that are on the side of my tank and I don't have a clue what they are.
There is like 7 spots on each side of the tank.
And they were not there a few days ago???
Does anybody have an idea on maybe what they could be? :eek:


Are they fuzzy looking? If they are, my tank has the same thing hiding behind my powerhead(where there is no water movement). And I have no clue what they are, but I bet they came from my live rock. I also have a fake plastic plant in my tank with hundreds of them on it. Hopefully somebody here does know what and how harmful if any they are.


Active Member
If they are real small they are probably copepods and are definately a good thing. If they look kinda like a snails body and are a bit bigger they are a limpet of some sort, and again, they are reef safe. Really need a better discription to be sure.
Take care,
Dan'l :D
Gang-look real closely. As stated they could be various types of pods that come from your rock and another thing are the snails that was specified as well. Look really close. I had the snails on mine. small little disc looking guys that the shell spirals. My Goby likes to eat'em off the glass.


I think they are baby tubeworms. If I look at mine closely, they look just like the white tube worms on my LR, only smaller. When I brokedown my last tank, they were cemented on all of my equipment and a real pain to remove. I've also heard they are baby snails, but mine never move.


Active Member
Hey rblehm,
I think you are describing vermetid snails. They are a sessile snail (they don't move). They have a tube-like structure with a couple long feelers coming out the end? They can grow to be several inches long.
BTW, these are also good in a reef.
Take care,
Dan'l :D


yeah i have those in my tank too, i was wondering what they were, but for the most part, im not really alarmed by anything that happens anymore, lots of pods and im happy. even sat a little itty bitty starfish i thought was real neat. im so happy that all this is happening, just as long as nothing eats expensive corals, then its gotta go, but everything else, ill just sit back and watch nature happen